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Falls can be quite nasty for someone over the age of 65. You need to make your home senior-friendly and make some adjustments in a bathroom so they can feel safe. Apart from making adjustments to your home, there are several more fall prevention tips for seniors that can help them to avoid injuries.

Exercise Regularly

No exercise leads to weaker bones. Weaker bones are more fragile and the chances of falling significantly increases. Thus, exercising is extremely important. This doesn’t mean you need to go the gym and start hitting the weights. It means that even slight exercises, such as yoga for seniors, can help you to strengthen your bones.

fall prevention tips for seniors
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Check Your Vision From Time to Time

Checking your eyesight is among the most important fall prevention tips for seniors, since poor eyesight can make it harder for an elderly to get around. Make sure you have a regular check-up every couple of months. Besides that, it is important for you to wear glasses or lenses if needed. Without them, the risk of falling increases since you cannot see things clearly. Never walk across the house without them.

Be Careful With Medicines

There are certain medications that can help in treating some diseases. However, on the other hand, these same medications can make people dizzy as well. If this happens, ask your physician to change your therapy. If you are constantly dizzy, the chances of falling down rapidly increase.

Don’t neglect these fall prevention tips for seniors that can save them and you a lot of trouble. And one more extra advice before the end: Always have a light turned on during the night, so you can see the way when going to the toilet.

Here you can read some additional tips for seniors in order to prevent falling.


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