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This might not sound like medical advice, but seniors who take care of their looks have a better chance at being both happy and healthy. A big part of how good you are going to look is your hair. People who have beautiful hair tend to have more confidence while engaging others. Unfortunately, hair is one part of our body that shows the signs of aging most clearly. But if we decide to take good care of it, our hair can still be a part of us that makes us feel good about ourselves.

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Use the Right Shampoo

With age, hair will lose its pigment and both gray and white hair could get an unhealthy yellow color. This happens to all hair that loses pigment. When this happens, hair starts to gain the color of all the foreign materials that it collects. The main reason why our hair starts to look yellowish is because of all the pollutants in the water and air. This especially goes for people who smoke. But these stains can be removed if you decide to use a deep-cleaning shampoo. This type of shampoo needs to be made with a blue or violet color so that it can neutralize yellowness on white and gray hair.

Hair Care Tips For Older Adults
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Strategies to Make Older Adults’ Hair Look Good

For seniors that start losing their hair, the first step would be not to talk about that or put it under the spotlight any other way. One thing that older adults can do is to apply hair products. Products that will return the volume to your hair, such as thickening shampoos, are ideal if you want to do this. If you used gels or mousse in the past, you should avoid them when your hair starts to fall out, as they could expose your scalp.

If your scalp is already showing, you should look to put the rest of your hair to the back and on the sides, so an equal amount of scalp will show from each direction. Try to arrange it symmetrically—it will give the impression that the area of thinning is smaller than it is. For those that have extremely thin hair, shaving could be a solution. Pulling this move will give you a more masculine look. It is also better to get it over with fast, rather than to wait for it to slowly fall out. Furthermore, if hair thinning is your issue, you should avoid keeping your hair long. With longer hair, the thinness will be more visible.

Hair Care Tips For Older Adults


A Hair-Healthy Diet for Seniors

Most things, such as genetics, age, and hormones can’t be controlled to help regarding your hair. One thing that can help your hair through the years is a proper diet. If your goal is to have healthy hair, then you should consume almond butter, tangerines, spinach, salmon, eggs, and oatmeal. Nutrients such as Vitamin E, C, and B12, along with iron and omega-3 fatty acids, can all be found in these ingredients and are extremely beneficial for hair health. They promote hair growth and reduce hair loss at the same time.

Caregiver Tips for Styling Senior Hair

Keeping your hygiene in order requires daily care. But for your hair, it is better to skip washing it for one or two days a week. If you do this, you give the oil that piles up on your scalp a chance to remain. If you didn’t know, these oils are what makes your hair thicker. They moisturize the scalp, which can be disabled by washing your hair every day. If you are a caregiver of a dementia patient, you can freely skip washing their hair on a bad day, because you will do them a double favor. For one, they will be calmer if they don’t wash it that day, and second, it’s good for their hair.

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