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Meditation has become a trendy activity and is highly popular among younger adults. But people of all ages can reap the benefits of meditation. Both the elderly and caregivers can have physical and mental gains by practicing meditation. Because of this, you should consider including meditation as a part of your life.

Why Should I Introduce Meditation for Seniors?

If you are one who practices this activity daily, then you already know that it can have a positive effect on productivity, blood pressure, and your sense of happiness. Below we have listed a few reasons why meditation is ideal for older adults.

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  • It requires no physical activity. Even if a senior has issues with mobility, they can still practice this activity. All styles of meditation are mostly practiced in seated or lying positions.
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  • It relieves you of confusion and stress. Because of this trait, it is ideal for the elderly that suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or some other type of dementia. Meditation will help them reduce stress and confusion, which could contribute to keeping their state at bay.
  • It aids brain health. Aging can’t be stopped, but you can do your best to slow the process down. If you start practicing this activity early on, you will lower your chances of developing either dementia or Alzheimer’s.
  • It reduces depression. Seniors who live alone are at a high risk of developing loneliness which can lead to depression. They can change this by practicing meditation. Even if they live alone and find it hard to accept their situation, this activity can help in relieving negative feelings.

How Meditation Helps the Caregiver

Like we said, meditation is good for everyone. In addition to older adults practicing it, their caregiver should follow a similar path. Caregivers, same as their loved ones or patients, could reap the health benefits of regular meditation. Here’s how:

  • By lowering stress levels. Caregiving can be stressful. But to avoid feeling stress, and to be calm in moments of need, meditation can help. This activity is one of the best ways to replenish your reserves of energy.
  • It doesn’t require much of your time. Even if your schedule is tight, you can make the best out of meditating in only a couple of minutes. It’s hard to believe, but sometimes even a minute of your time dedicated to meditation will do the trick.
  • It helps you sleep better. Most caregivers don’t have enough sleep, even if this is imperative for them to give their best at work. By practicing this activity on a daily basis, you will sleep better, and as a result have more energy, focus, and stamina.
  • You can talk about the effect of meditation with your loved one. Sometimes caregivers and their patients or loved ones aren’t on the same page. If both of you start practicing it at the same time, you will have one more thing in common. Later you can even do it together.

Best Meditation Styles for Seniors and Caregivers

To get the most out of meditation, you don’t need a guru. A quick internet search will give you an answer on how to do it correctly. There are many websites dedicated to this activity. You will even find yourself in a situation where too much info will be coming your way. The key is to pick one and get started. If the style you choose first is not for you, move on to the next one. Some of the most popular techniques among both the elderly and caregivers are iRest Yoga Nidra, Transcendental Meditation, Mantra Meditation, and Breathing Meditation.

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