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One of the scarcely covered topics on our blog, but common in the real world, is hearing loss in the elderly.

You can read more about this issue in Hearing Problems in the Elderly and First Signs of Hearing Loss in Older Adults. However, we didn’t go much into detail, and this topic needs to be further explained.

Today, we will focus on the symptoms of hearing loss in older adults and refer to the risk factors in the beginning. Symptoms are usually easy to spot, but be careful. If it happens that you need to repeat something once to your older adult, it doesn’t immediately mean they are going deaf.

Today we will talk more about:

  • Risk factors
  • Signs
  • Prevention

Risk Factors

Common risk factors that lead to hearing loss are:

  • Noise
  • Aging
  • Genes
  • Medications
  • Disease

People who have been exposed to loud noises for a longer period of time have higher chances of damaging the inner ear. If you work in a noisy environment, make sure you wear safety gear.

As we age, the risk of a degeneration of the inner ear rises. Also, taking certain type of antibiotics may damage the inner ear, as well as meningitis.

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Learn more about age-related hearing loss in this video.

However, accumulated earwax can also be a cause of the problem. In this case, with a simple removal process, you will get your hearing back.

How to Recognize Hearing Loss in the Elderly

Spotting a hearing problem is not difficult, and there are usually red flags everywhere.

Some older adults turn up the volume when watching TV, which may be too loud for you. This may be annoying, but it is one of the common signs.

People with hearing loss often don’t understand clearly what others talk about and misunderstand the point of the conversation. They may even complain that people around them mumble all the time. You can easily notice when they struggle to understand what is a conversation about. If they give an unexpected answer, it may be because they didn’t hear a question well.

hearing loss in the elderly

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The problem is especially noticeable when more people talk at the same time or there is a noise in the background. Older adults with hearing loss won’t be able to separate sounds and thus can’t understand what is talked about.

However, this problem may occur due to other reasons as well and doesn’t necessarily need to be a sign of a hearing loss. In my early 20s, I had the same problem, but doctors didn’t find any proof of hearing loss.

Have you ever noticed your senior shouts over the phone and has difficulty understanding the other side? If it happens once, a bad connection may be the reason. In case it is repeated over and over again, suggest your older adult pay a visit to a physician.

How to Prevent Hearing Loss

Depending on the reason, you may be able to prevent hearing loss.

Working in a noisy environment seriously damages the inner ear. Therefore, buy quality earmuffs to protect you from loud noises.

Listening to loud music also damages the hearing. Turn down the volume when you listen to music and try to avoid headphones. Visiting places where music is loud will also contribute to hearing problems.

It is advised to test your hearing regularly. This can help in the early detection of a problem so steps for preventing further damage can be taken.

Luckily, there are efficient hearing aids nowadays to help you hear better.


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