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It’s the holiday season!

First, there was Halloween, and then we had Thanksgiving. However, the best is yet to come.

Christmas is the favorite part of the year of many people living in the US. There’s nothing like Christmas, when the whole family gathers to celebrate one of the biggest Christian holidays. We celebrate peace and family.

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On the other hand, the holiday season can be stressful for both caregivers and older adults and has its issues.

In this article we will discuss the following tips:

  • Keep your senior healthy during the holiday season
  • Keep your senior on both feet
  • Gift ideas for seniors
  • Caring for caregivers during the holidays

Keep Your Senior Healthy During the Holiday Season

Autumn and winter are the seasons when people easily get the flu or catch a cold. Older adults are particularly vulnerable since their immune system is usually weak.

Everyone wants to avoid being sick for Christmas and Thanksgiving. There’s nothing worse than having a fever and being in bed while your family gathers around the table.

Keeping your loved one healthy through the holiday season should be among your top priorities.  Read more on how to make sure your older adult won’t get sick during the holidays.

Keep Your Senior on Both Feet

Not only do we need to keep our older adults healthy, but we need to keep them from falling.

Falls are common in winter when the ground is frozen. Only one wrong step can result in a disaster.

Muscles and bones lose their strength over the years. Bones become fragile, and one fall can be too much. Healing can take a very long time, and it’s not fun having a broken leg, especially for Christmas. Unfortunately, some seniors never recover from a fall.

Therefore, staying on both feet is a priority. Learn what you should do to prevent seniors from falling.

caregiving during holidays

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Gift Ideas for Seniors

Many people dislike holidays for one reason—not knowing what to give their loved ones as a present.

After so many holidays in a year, and all the years and gifts that have passed, people struggle to find a unique present that will make their loved ones happy. Finding a perfect present for everyone can be quite stressful.

Older adults may be even more difficult. Even if the say they don’t want anything, a small gift will warm their heart.

Not sure what to give to your older adult? Read more to get an idea of a perfect present.

Caring for Caregivers During the Holidays

Holidays can be stressful for numerous reasons. It is the time when everyone should relax and spend quality time with their families.

However, holidays can cause even more stress to caregivers. They usually need to prepare everything for the upcoming celebrations and take care of an older adult as well.

Instead of having a relaxing time with their family, it can be the opposite.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself and think about your needs. Holidays should be a time everyone should enjoy.

Read tips on how to make caregiving easier during the holidays and how to handle caregiving during the holidays.

The holiday season is in full swing. Let this be a relaxing time that you will enjoy with your family. Go through these articles and follow the tips to prepare yourself. Don’t let anything surprise you, and keep in mind you should take care of yourself as well. If you aren’t entirely content, then your family can’t be truly happy.

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