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When older adults have a cognitive or physical disability, they often need outside assistance in order to complete their daily tasks. These tasks also include seniors’ oral care. Some of these elderly adults only need to be reminded to take care of their duties, while others require direct assistance. Here’s how to ensure that your loved ones maintain their dental health.

How to Ensure That Your Loved Ones Maintain Dental Health

Basic Care

The recommended number of times that seniors should brush their teeth each day is two. Elderly people who have a cognitive impairment, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, should be reminded to complete this task each day. Seniors who are unfamiliar with flossing might additionally need to have it explained. You should also encourage your loved ones to use mouthwash after meals or snacks.

Special Toothbrushes

On today’s dental market, you have toothbrushes of various sizes and shapes. If you choose the one which is too soft, it might not do the job. If you pick one to stiff, you might damage gum tissue. If your loved one uses dentures, you will have to use specially designed toothbrushes.

How to ensure that your loved ones maintain dental health?
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Nutritional Needs

Teeth and gums can be kept healthy by eating a balanced diet. A healthy diet improves the overall well-being of a senior, but it also can aid the immune system in functioning normally and preventing any oral infections. Be sure your loved one’s diet has the healthy amount of calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients which promote health. These nutrients will keep both teeth, bones, and muscles in good shape.

Dental Visits

The elderly should pay frequent visits to their dentist, as he or she will provide an insight into your senior’s oral health. Dentists are here to see if dentures need fixing or if cavities need to be repaired. The dentist can also discover if your elderly loved ones have been using the proper brushing techniques, by looking at their gums and teeth.

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