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Heartburn, bloating, and nausea all follow gastroparesis, which makes it one of the most terrible digestion problems. Although the exact reason why people start suffering from this condition is not known, we do know a thing or two. It is understood that various medications and narcotics can increase the risk of getting gastroparesis. Furthermore, it appears that it may develop from other diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and infections.

Luckily we do know how you can deal with this illness. One way is a special diet which can affect its symptoms. The best way you can live with this disease is by adopting the right diet plan. It is essential that you have the proper diet to improve your digestion, which is a key in dealing with gastroparesis.

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The Gastroparesis Diet

Gastroparesis slows down your stomach, and food is slowly digested and slowly exits your body. The key to the gastroparesis diet is to speed up your digestion so that food gets processed faster. If you have a chronic case of this illness, you need to eat foods which are easy to digest. Some of the most obvious choices include eggs, bananas, fruit juice, bread, vegetable juice, and peanut butter. But it’s not that easy, the diet plan needs to be conducted in phases.

The first step would be to avoid or completely remove solid foods. Instead, you should focus on eating more soups, juices, and other liquid mourishment. The second phase would allow you to bring back solid foods but only in dishes such as pasta and casseroles. Once you have completed these two steps, you can try to intake more proteins and starches which are easy to chew and process. These foods include products such as meat, potatoes, grains, and fruit.

Gastroparesis Eating Strategies

One of the issues that arises with this condition is that people start eating less because of the digestion issues that follow gastroparesis. This should be avoided at all costs, because if you do this, the symptoms of this illness will only worsen. The best and almost only way to handle this illness is to find the right diet for you and follow it. In addition to changing what you eat, you should also change the manner of how you eat food and when you eat it.


The process of digestion starts with our teeth and mouth. Food which is well chewed will be easier to digest. One of the ways you can make food more digestible is by liquefying it in a blender. Another thing that should be done is that you stand for at least an hour after you finish your meal. By doing this, you will avoid heartburn and acid reflux.

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The next thing you should change is to try to have small-sized meals. If you eat food little by little, you will not have issues with vomiting. Instead of the three more substantial meals that people usually have, you should look to have six or even seven. Also, drinking a lot of fluids between each of those meals is highly recommended.

Foods to Avoid With Gastroparesis

Many foods can worsen this condition. One thing that slows down digestion is anything rich in fats. Butter, cheese, beans, seeds, corn, and pastries should be avoided at all cost. Also, even if this sounds weird, you should eat vegetables and unprocessed grains only in small amounts. They are healthy, without a doubt, but they also slow down digestion, and if you have gastroparesis, this is not something you want. Furthermore, and this is always good regardless of this condition, stay away from alcohol.

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