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One of the most common problems in life is losing hair as we get older. The majority of men will start going bald sooner or later, while women’s hair is getting thinner. The color of hair also changes, and it goes gray with age. However, gaining hair can also be a problem. Some men and women start gaining hair on non-desirable places, such as the ears and nose.

Hair Changes in the Elderly

Women usually don’t go bald, but men often do. Some men start losing their hair in the elderly period, while others can start going bald even earlier. There are even men who lose their entire hair as teenagers. Although women usually don’t completely lose their hair, it becomes thinner as they age.

The age when people start going gray also differs. My grandfather barely had a few gray hairs at the age of 70, while some friends of mine were almost totally gray before they turned 30. However, the majority of people have some gray hairs by their 40s. The reason why people change the color of their hair lies in a particular pigment. Cells that are producing this pigment stop working after a certain period of time and that is the reason why we turn gray.

losing hair in the elderly

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Besides losing hair and becoming gray, many elderly people cope with extensive hair growth from their ears and noses. We all have these hairs, but with aging and a change in hormones, they become longer and thicker.

Most of us don’t like these changes, but they are inevitable. There are some ways to stop, or at least delay, going bald, but in the majority of cases these procedures don’t give the desirable results. However, why be embarrassed with a natural process of the body? Turning gray, going bald, having extensive hair from the ears and nose? It is a normal thing that each of us must go through.


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