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Many symptoms show that you or your loved one has Parkinson’s, and most are related to the motor functions of the body. But, there are also non-motor signs that older adults have Parkinson’s. Most of these look hidden, as they are hard to notice and connect with this disease. Because of that, we have compiled a list for you to review.

Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease in the Elderly

Fatigue and Trouble Sleeping

Seniors that have Parkinson’s often experience difficulties sleeping because of nightmares, sleep apnea, and need to urinate at night. As a result of lost sleep, they often feel fatigued during the day. If you notice that your loved one looks tired during the day and starts frequently taking naps, this could indicate something is wrong with their resting schedule at night.


This disease affects seniors’ brain, and as a consequence, they often become apathetic. If you see mood swings in your elderly loved one that results in cold, distant, and uninterested behavior, they are probably experiencing it as a result of Parkinson’s effect on their cognitive functions.

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Cognitive Challenges

In more than 50% of cases concerning Parkinson’s disease, it causes cognitive impairment. This issue leads to confusion, memory problems, and slower processing of information by the patient. The consequences of this are that seniors with this disease often speak more deliberate, and have a slower response rate to questions. Parkinson’s often leads to dementia.

Urinary Problems

Many people don’t know this, but urinary issues are common among patients with Parkinson’s. If you notice that your elderly loved one is often awake at night with the need to urinate, after having the same issues during the day, they should visit a doctor who will perform a thorough neurological examination. It may conclude that they have this disease.

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