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Swimming is a healthy and exciting activity for seniors. It allows them to remain in shape while reducing any pressure on the joints. But, as enjoyable as it can be, swimming has its risks. So, there are safety measures that elderly need to follow regardless if they are swimming in an indoor or outdoor pool.

Swimming Safety Tips for the Elderly

Swim in Groups

Seniors should avoid swimming on their own at all costs. They should always opt to swim in a pair or a group. In the case of injury or accident, if they are alone, consequences might be fatal. Swimming in groups means that someone will always be close by to help with issues like cramps, dizziness, inhaling water, or becoming too tired to swim. Home care agencies are suggesting that elderly who love to swim should participate in water aerobic classes or swimming classes. This way they will secure company and safety while enjoying the recreation.

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Wear Shoes While in the Water

Some older adults might feel safer and more comfortable if they wear shoes while swimming. The reason is that the bottoms of many pools are rough or slippery, so it might be painful for elderly to walk on this surface. Additionally there may be a fall risk.

Don’t Test Your Limits

With age, the physical abilities of people weakens. Seniors most of all should be careful not to overdo themselves. It can be dangerous for seniors to try to swim as many laps in the pool as they used to in their younger days. Stopping when you are tired is the best solution.

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Only Use Pools That Have Lifeguards

As you know, a lifeguard’s duty is to assist swimmers in the case of an emergency. They are trained in saving peoples’ lives. That is why it’s essential for elderly to go to pools that have lifeguards on duty, which could assist them if anything goes wrong.

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