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One of the most common disorders in seniors is appetite loss. The reasons for this are many. They vary from being caused by medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or a thyroid disorder, to appearing as a result of dehydration, lack of exercise, the inability to prepare meals, the loss of taste, or challenges with swallowing or eating independently. But, regardless of what is causing appetite loss, it is essential for older adults to eat appropriately in order to lead a healthy life.

Tips for Seniors With Appetite Loss

Keep Up With a Regular Meal and Snack Schedule

Seniors who have appetite issues should create a meal and snack schedule. Importantly, they should stick to it and always eat at the same time. Elderly adults should avoid consuming food only when they feel hungry, as this can also cause them to skip meals and prolong their appetite problems.

Tips for seniors with appetite loss 1
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Eat Small Portions

Elderly adults are often encouraged to overeat when there is an abundance of food in front of them. However, it’s important to eat small portions, which will keep you full for longer without feeling ill, bloated, or gaining weight too fast- which can result in other health problems. They should have five small meals, rather than three big ones. While preparing meals, seniors should look to add healthy ingredients such as olive oil, ricotta, soft cheeses, eggs, or avocado.

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Buy Only Snacks That Are Easy to Eat

Some older adults love to eat snacks during the day instead of relying on full meals. Luckily for them, there are many snacks that are nutritious and healthy, as well as easy to get. Some of these include Greek yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese, fresh fruit, hummus, and whole wheat crackers. All of these are nutritious, easy to get, and easy to digest.

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