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It’s a lesson that you learn in the first grade of elementary school – the human body is made up almost entirely of water. With old age, our body loses some of its water content. It also becomes less sensitive to thirst. Because of this, our elderly loved ones are at a higher risk of dehydration. Every older adult should consume at least eight cups of water every day. They should do this regardless if they feel thirsty, because it is harder to tell when a senior is dehydrated compared to a younger person. So, if you want to know how to tell if a senior is dehydrated, please read our article.

How to Tell If a Senior is Dehydrated

Dark Urine

The first indicator of your hydration level is the color of your urine. If your loved one is getting enough water, the color will be light yellow or even transparent. Bright yellow or dark yellow are pointing in the opposite direction. If the color is closer to being brown, then your elderly loved one is in urgent need of water.

Dry Skin

When seniors experience dehydration, their skin will become very dry. This happens because the body is trying to preserve the water inside, so the surface first loses its supplies. The signs that this is happening is the pale color of the skin and its coldness to the touch. Seniors who are dehydrated won’t sweat even if they are physically active.

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How to tell if a senior is dehydrated
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Aches and Cramps

The body won’t function properly if it lacks water. Without water, muscles will start randomly cramping. The combination of cramps and nerves issues will cause headaches in older adults.

Confusion and Fatigue

The part of the body that also gets affected by dehydration is the brain. Seniors who are often without enough water will have reduced cognitive functions. Those who are rarely get dehydrated will not feel like themselves at some points, but those that frequently find themselves dehydrated will act as if they have dementia.

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