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Are there any health benefits in eggs for the elderly? Yes – plenty of them! They are rich in protein and have a high nutrient content. They are also full of vitamins and other nutrients that are essential for the normal functioning of our bodies. We all know eggs are rich in Vitamin B12, but do you know about the other very important nutrients that eggs contain?

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What Are the Health Benefits of Eggs for the Elderly?


Although you will find more calcium in milk, one egg contains around 25 mg of calcium. This may vary depending on the size of the egg. Lack of calcium leads to bone fractures, so eggs are essential for keeping bones strong.


An egg is surely of the best sources of protein with approximately 6 mg of the stuff. Proteins build our muscles, and it is highly important for seniors to eat enough protein every day. The recommended daily amount is around 60 mg, depending on the weight of the person.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You probably didn’t expect to find them in an egg, but a standard egg contains around 420 mg of fatty acids. Of course, fish is much better source of omega-3, but eating several eggs can also help. They are essential for preventing arthritis and reducing inflammation.

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Vitamin D

The best source of Vitamin D is the sun, but eggs are also high on the list; the yolk, to be precise. This vitamin helps in absorbing calcium and keeps you happy. Lack of Vitamin D leads to depression, so make sure you go out in the sun often and eat eggs from time to time.

Folic Acid

Vitamin B12 and folic acid, when combined together, help in keeping your memory. Your brain will be thankful if you add more eggs to your nutrition since one egg satisfies a quarter of your daily need for folic acid.

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