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If your loved one lives with ulcerative colitis, you will be glad to hear that the medicine to relieve this condition can be found in your kitchen. According to researchers, vinegar which contains acetic acid can balance out gut bacteria and reduce inflammatory protein levels. This research was conducted on laboratory mice, and scientists are hoping that it can have the same effect on humans.

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Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a bowel disease which manifests itself through inflammation. It can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even ulcers. The exact cause of this inflammatory disease remains unclear. It is believed that it has much to do with the imbalance of bacteria in the gut. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vinegar affects stomach-acid-specific enzymes which cause bowel inflammation in mice.

Ulcerative Colitis
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The researchers from Jilin University in Changchun, China also conducted tests on mice. They injected them with ulcerative colitis. After that, they gave them water mixed with vinegar. When mice drank this water, they showed less inflammatory protein markers in their colon. They also took samples of their stool, which were filled with good bacteria. Some of the most common bacteria that were found in their stool include Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.

It doesn’t come as a big surprise that vinegar has health benefits as it has been used as a medication since ancient Babylon. This is just the first time that its correlation with ulcerative colitis has been proven. Conditions such as diabetes and skin issues can be treated with apple cider vinegar. Although early researchers found positive results, it remains to be seen whether vinegar will have the same effect on humans in treating this disease. While scientists continue their work on this, older adults with ulcerative colitis can benefit from a whole foods diet which is rich in fiber and vegetables. Some of the UC symptoms can be relieved with probiotics, curcumin, and green tea.

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